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We are a cloud platform.
Whenever and wherever you want
To guarantee the health of your destination it is necessary to measure its vital signs: indicators such as the hotel offer, tour operation and vacation rental or the availability, categorization and leisure. Having them controlled will guarantee your success on strategic decisions, correcting your weaknesses and enhancing your strengths. Do it with Turobserver.
Hotel offer and reviews
Obtain an accurate control of the destination´s hotel offer and control clients reviews with information of each accommodation if needed. Check the average daily availability and prices per night, taking into account both the day of the reservation and the dates of the stay, and study the evolution of these KPIs over time. Turobserver and it´s advanced filtering system allows segmentation by category, location and date within others.
Tour Operation offer and reviews
Would you like to analyze the top TTOO/OTAS websites of your destination? Discover which markets grants positive reviews, rates travelers are willing to pay to reach your destinations or how satisfied they are with the service they receive. Filter by location, category of the selected establishment, date or markets of origin within others.
Vacation rentals
The weight of vacation rentals has been increasing over the last few years and, today, it represents a very important alternative for travelers. Turobserver monitors the number of vacation rentals available in the different locations of your destination, their average price and the online reputation they deliver.
Restaurants and activities
What type of cuisine is best valued in your destination? How many restaurants are there? Which have the best reviews? Which monuments are the most visited? What are the main recreational activities that your visitors choose? Are you a holidays, country or urban destination? Identify strengths and weaknesses, correct trends and improve the traveler´s experience. Monuments, beaches, golf, active tours, average price, reviews, total number of opinions, etc. All this and much more.
Grow understanding your competitors
Estudia tendencias, identifica aquellos aspectos de tu destino en los que necesitas mejorar o explota al máximo las fortalezas que te diferencian. El conocimiento profundo de tus competidores te permitirá anticiparte para ir siempre un paso por delante en términos de competitividad.
Measure and compare your competitiveness
Reviews, price, suppliers, demand, clients, etc. Compare the main KPIs of your competitive set through multiple charts and dynamic tables that are easy to comprehend. Up to 2 years overview if needed to anticipate trends.
Evolution of the average price by destination, night and category
Inventory available at each competing destination
Average grade of the destination and number of opinions
National and international insights
You define your competitive set. Turobserver allows to monitor as many as needed, 100% personalized analytics.
Configure up to five national competing destinations
Configure up to five competing international destinations
Maximum degree of tool customization
More than 250 clients and points of sale
Knowing your customers is crucial for the strategic development of tourism promotion plans. Identify and define the map of your distribution with Turobserver, expanding the analysis as much as you need, including more than 250 clients and points of sale.

You set the limits.
Identify the main tourist segments with presence in the destination to act independently and personalized on them, attending their personal needs and preferences.
Identification of tourist segments
Independent and personalized actions
We help you to identify exactly the main source markets from which your destination receive customers, we measure and control the seasonality, collect satisfaction reviews and help the destination reduce their reliance on few markets or clients.
Define your main issuing merchants
Knowledge is synonymous with control and efficiency
Customer segmentation is possible. Establish groups according to the most varied criteria to be able to direct your different communications to those who really interest you, and multiply the efficiency of your marketing campaigns.
Subgroups according to origin, preferences, gender, etc.
Increase the return of your communications and campaigns
Turobserver acts as a platform. We offer you the possibility of connecting directly with external suppliers. Ask us.

One of our main goals is to make your analytical work as simple as possible. With the intention that Turobserver becomes your only consultation platform, statistical data can also be shared through the tool.

The four clues to success
There are four basic clues that make Turobserver the definitive platform for analytics to obtain your and your competitors data. The sustainability of the data it provides, its ability to define your distribution, its efficiency in helping you improve your competitiveness and the consulting service offered by its team of analysts.
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